Monday, May 15, 2006


Disk Cleaner released

I’m happy to announce that Disk Cleaner 1.0 is officially released by Amust Software.
More details are available here. Use this link to download the latest release - Download.


Just downloaded the Disk Cleaner. First impression was: "wow, how much of cool things I still have in My Documents :)". Still miss the immediate "Delete" Button :).

But, seriously, it looks cool and very useful. Couple of weeks ago I was helping my friend to clean-up 15 gigs of temporary files hidden in the depth of his profile. It took about half an hour...

The bad thing was that my friend has previously accepted the proposal of Windows to compress all files on the C: drive to free-up the space. After the cleanup, he understood that it was the wrong decision and wanted to decompress them back, but didn't find how to do it. Sounds like a useful feature :) for the new version?
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